Blankie from the brave little toaster
Blankie from the brave little toaster

blankie from the brave little toaster

After raging himself into an explosive death after being reminded that The Master never played with him, the Air Conditioner gets repaired by the now-adult kid.

blankie from the brave little toaster

  • When the appliances are heading into the forest, Blanky nervously believes there are lions in there to which Radio teasingly responds "and tigers and bears oh my" with Lampy sarcastically saying that Blanky is such a baby causing Blanky to cower in fear, Toaster pushes them away and after a few seconds affectionately rubs Blankys head making him smile.
  • Mice trying to drag Blanky into a hole but Toaster manages to save him by pulling him out in time, after she pulls him out of the hole he gasp's in shock as one of the mice chews on the Masters picture which blankie takes back also saying "Stop it! Give me that!" As the Masters picture really is important to Blanky who has the most attachment to him.
  • Blanky gets caught on some branches and pleads for the other appliances to not leave him,they instantly come back and untangle him from the branches.
  • blankie from the brave little toaster

    Lampy accidentally steps on Blanky and they argue over the fact that he stepped on him even Kirby sticks up for Blanky.As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy.

    Blankie from the brave little toaster